Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Algonquin Park

Here are a few tidbits from a stroll that I took on the Centennial Trail, in Algonquin Park.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Even after all of this time,
the sun never says to the earth 
"you owe me" ... 
Look what happens with a love like that, 
it lights the whole sky.
~ Hafiz

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Good morning! Just wanted you to meet my squirrelie friends. From time to time they like to check in, peek through my bedroom window and say hello. There are four of these little guys and a momma squirrel. It's actually quite amazing to observe their mannerisms from so close, their interaction with each other is quite similar to kittens. Who knew rodents could be so cute?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Here are more of the photos taken from my hike on Mount Nemo. The ariel perspective was a great way to really appreciate the vivid yellows, oranges and reds of this Autumn season.

Mount Nemo

on top of mount nemo, there lies an enchanting forest ...
who lives here? I wonder ...
I saw grazing ant cows ...
an elephant ...
some old guys, enjoying the view ...
and a bunch of fun guys!
Mount Nemo is one of the many beautiful hikes that can be done along The Niagara Escarpment. This Escarpment runs west from New York State through Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois. It was formed from the bedrock of the Great Lakes and is most famous for the cliff that forms Niagara Falls. The Niagara Escarpment has been designated as a "World Biosphere Reserve". 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

rainbow skies

This is a little water colour painting that I had done quite a few years back. Never the less, I still dream of these dancing palms and rainbow skies. They always call me back ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

spirit songs

Here are a couple more of my photography & mixed media pieces, which include paint, pastel, ink and wax. I did them on old book covers, which gave them a unique texture that I quite enjoy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

un jour au Québec ...

Québec City is beaming with character! At times it seemed so surreal, I started to wonder if maybe it was all just a movie set. The people are classy. The architecture is classy. Even the variety stores are classy ... stocked full of baguettes, premium beer and artisan chocolates!

Monday, October 4, 2010

make a wish

I did this piece for my mom, for Mother's Day. Although she is a Horticulturalist and knows about every type of plant imaginable, Dandelions have always remained her favourite. I think that a lawn full of Dandelions is so pretty and the best part is that they are all just waiting to be wished upon! Sadly, it seems that these are more commonly just seen as a weed and a nuisance that need to be doused in chemicals.

This is photography and mixed media on canvas.